Monday, December 13, 2010

Kim Kardashian is Dead

Kim Kardashian is dead. The lifeless body of the starlet is laid to rest- her eyes barely closed, the glue still drying on her skyrocketing lashes as the photo of it all is splashed about the Internet. What's worse is that the ghostly form of the celebutant is just clicks away from other similarly sallow-faced icons: Serena Williams, Ryan Seacrest, Elijah Woods, Jay Sean- all dead.

This apparent massacre of talent and stardom is being called the "Digital Life Sacrifice" and is all Alicia Key's fault. The Keep A Child Alive foundation, co-founded by Leigh Blake and advocated by Alicia Keys, has asked Hollywood's top celebrities to commit digital "suicide" and stop using Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets until fans can raise one million dollars for the charity. It is done in the hopes that sacrificing their digital lives will help others have a chance at a real life. Specifically, HIV/AIDS patients and orphans in India, Kenya and Rwanda, who will receive aid and care from the Keep A Child Alive foundation and the efforts of the ongoing digital life sacrifice.

The campaign may be sarcastic, shocking and slightly dark, but it will save lives. The merits of the fundraiser are honorable without doubt, but what of the method? Despite the purest of intentions, the campaign has fostered quite a bit of controversy and criticism.

The argument is that wanting to save lives should be more than enough incentive to donate. What kind of people are we if we are unwilling to drop some change to better the life of an orphaned African child, but are willing the pay an asking price in order to access Lady Gaga's Twitter account? The Digital Life Sacrifice blocks the real issue and merely replaces it with a frivolous and fabricated one. Humanity has failed if a tweet is worth more than a life.

And let's not forget the millions upon millions of dollars that this star powered group is collectively worth. Any one of them alone could meet the quota in the amount of time it takes to whip out a checkbook and scribble down some numbers. Numbers that, perhaps, are not substantial enough. When said in accordance with the names of those working the project- America's rich and powerful- one million transforms into a rather quaint goal. After all, Lady Gaga alone has 7 million followers on Twitter and 24 million Facebook Friends.


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